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The Peace in the Storm Project

A ministry of pastoral accompaniment
for caregivers and persons living
with chronic pain and illness


Christmas Decorations

Accompaniment, Encouragement, and Inspiration

The Peace in the Storm Project is a ministry of pastoral accompaniment in the Catholic tradition that responds to the acute need in our churches and Catholic healthcare organizations to offer intentional, compassionate, and ongoing accompaniment for adults who are caregivers or who live with chronic pain and illness. The Peace in the Storm Project's theologically and spiritually sound resources and easy-to-implement format provide the opportunity for reflection, discussion, and prayer in small groups about how and where faith intersects with and informs lives touched by caregiving and significant health challenges. The Peace in the Storm Project also invites participation in the life of the Church so that greater understanding of and support for those who suffer may grow, nurturing grace, building strength, bringing light. Today, more than half of all adults in the United States live with at least one chronic illness and/or pain. Millions of adults are unpaid, unsung caregivers to vulnerable family members or friends. A significant number of people who are or might be members of our parish families are caregivers or journeying with ongoing, often serious health challenges. The Peace in the Storm Project is a unique ministry that can help individuals find greater hope and joy in their difficult life journeys and help parishes grow in faith, fellowship, and size.

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